Friday, September 7, 2012

Jon Bon Jovi Blast from the past: Movie Mirror Magazine March 1988

"Movie Mirror Magazine. March 1988

Up Close and Personal with Jon Bon Jovi

Who would have thought that only nine years ago megastar Jon Bon Jovi was only John Bongiovi -a hardworking, shaggy-haired New Jersey boy who was making his living working as a gofer in a recording studio?
"I was basically sweeping out the studio and cleaning up all the old coffee cups after a night of recording," Jon says with a smile.
"But I  got to meet some interesting people, and it really convinced me that music was where I wanted to be."
Now with the overpowering success of Slippery When Wet and the smash singles and sold-out world wide tour it engendered, Jon Bon Jovi can sit back and savor the sweet smell of success!

Has Bon Jovi hysteria overcome Jon and the boys in the band?
"No way! We handle it pretty well, don't pay too much attention to it. We're real grateful for it, but we don't treat it any different like we did last year," explains Jon.
Despite the grueling travel schedule, John and guitarist Riche Sambora have been working on plenty of tunes for their next album that's to be recorded this coming spring. So far, the dynamic writing duo have put together some fun, "anthemy" songs, but Jon explains the material will be inspired by personal experience, because he claims the modus operandi is to always write only about what they know.

The Band puts down critics who claim the group doesn't produce enough meaningful music with a message, "Rock and roll to me is about entertainment, a way to relax, not about social conscience and worrying about the world blowing up," says Jon.

He admits the work can be back breaking and exhausting ("The best part is the playing, the worst travelling."), but his musical pursue is his inspiration.

Despite the fact this gorgeous guy is the target of lust for million of girls around the world, he's pretty much remained faithful to Dorothea his high school honey, who sometimes hits the road with the band. Jon enjoys hanging out with his old crows and enjoys dropping by his hometown stomping ground when he can. Is marriage in the near future for this successful hearthrob?  "Marriage is an institution," Jon explains with a grin  "and I'm too young for an institution!"

Source Movie Mirror Magazine, March 1988

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